martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011

Is SpyBubble a Scam?


This is not a blog about what SpyBubble is. If you want to know what SpyBubble is and what it can do, go to my friend's blog here or go to this other one as well. Otherwise, just know that it's a program that allows you to spy on a cell phone, your wife's, your child's, and so on.

Ok, so you're not here to discuss about whether it's wrong or right. For some reason or another you need to spy on a cell phone and want to know if SpyBubble is the real deal or is a scam, right?

Ok, first of all, rest assured, SpyBubble does what it promises. It is not a scam, it really works. So if that's all you needed to know, you can go ahead and buy it now.

If you are still reading this it's because you are interested to know more before making a commitment. Yep, I understand you. You're just not going to buy something because someone said so. Anyway, read on.

Why do people think SpyBubble is a scam?

First of all, yes, there are a lot of people that feel cheated or let down by SpyBubble. And they post about it and that's why many people (probably you included) think that SpyBubble is a scam. However, the problem comes because they have false expectations of SpyBubble, they assume that it can do things that it can not. Also, they forget very basic things like checking that the phone they are going to spy on has an Internet connection. All the information is on the site, yet, they never bother to read it.

I guess it's the kind of people who know enough about computers to use them, but not enough to bother with reading manuals and instructions.

Three reasons why people think SpyBubble is a scam.

For example, one of the very basic things that SpyBubble needs is that the phone you're going to spy on has Internet connection. That's how SpyBubble sends you the information. If the phone doesn't have Internet access, then SpyBubble doesn't work, it's as simple as that. Yet, they buy SpyBubble and install it on a phone that has no Internet, then they wonder why it doesn't work. They de-install and re-install SpyBubble to no avail and end up thinking that it's a scam.

Another thing that they assume is that you can install SpyBubble at a distance. Like you can point your cell phone at your boss's cell phone and install SpyBubble on it. Why they think they can do that, I don't know. But the fact is that you can't. And again, after they buy the software, they cry foul and insist it's a scam.

Finally, the interface of SpyBubble is very simple, too simple even. You wouldn't think it does what it says it does by looking at it. Especially if you think computers in real life behave like computers in movies (you know, how there is a robotic female voice that says "e-mail successfully sent" every time they send an e-mail, yet nobody has that in real life). Imagine an excel file with color. That's how SpyBubble looks for most of the time. Throw in some google maps and that's all.

Note that to the practical person, this is a good thing. It has the information quickly and it doesn't take time to load. Plus text is text, regardless of the color and font and that's what matters. Still, some people expect a state-of-the-art interface with great graphics and movement and radars and stuff like that. Not only it would take ages to load, but it would make the software more expensive.

In conclusion.

So, my advice is, give a good read and understand the features of SpyBubble, and if you purchase it, follow the installation instructions to the letter and HAVE the phone at hand (by the way, no brand can be installed at a distance, just so you know). And finally, don't expect a great-looking interface. Just expect results and SpyBubble will deliver them.

3 comentarios:

  1. Good information. Here's another review that I found:

  2. I have it. It is so cool to notice of everithing in her mobile.
